Glee is an absurd mix of improbable plot developments, political correctness, and celebrity cameos. While the show actually used to be fairly decent, it now serves as a weekly reminder of America's torturous decline. Much like the characters, the show is shallow. But not all is lost. I think Ryan Seacrest would be a great addition to the show.
In this new plot twist, the current principal on the show (some Indian guy) suddenly drops dead. His replacement is Ryan Seacrest, a young and idealistic administrator from a neighboring school district. Despite his overt friendliness, Seacrest has a terrible secret. He installs cameras into the men's locker room and secretly watches his fellow faculty members shower. He also installs a gloryhole at the local Arby's. To cover up his personal lifestyle, Seacrest gives money to the local Republican Party.
At the end of the season, he mistakenly tapes Sue Sylvester, the girl's cheering coach. She finds his camera and confronts him. Under severe duress, he admits his secret to her. She then blackmails him in exchange for whatever she needs. On the season finale, Principal Seacrest resigns his post and takes a new job. It's as Charlie Sheen's personal assistant/sober driver.
Ryan Seacrest would be excellent in this role. He wouldn't even have to act.
Go for the glory Seacrest! Getting ahead in Hollywood really sucks, blows, and bites.