For millions of Americans, Nicolas Cage remains a hero and an inspiration. His god-like talents have earned him a loyal following. This is the perfect set up for a new show.
Traveling around the country, producers from TLC or some other horrendous network can find his "biggest" fans. The show can visit pig farms in Arkansas, apartments in Miami, and rehab facilities in California. Once these "fans" are found and sorted, they will compete for Cage's attention.
The season finale ends with the winner (a single mother from Oklahoma) getting to meet Cage in a dinner. She's presented with a Wal-Mart rolex and a box of his pubic hair.
While I respectfully disrespect your ideas on Cage, I must say a better show around the overacter extrodinaire would be a reality show where he instructs wannabe actors and receptive primates the finer art of the eccentric facial tic. It seems to have made him a "fantastic" actor, but also horrible at gambling. Fine acting indeed.