Most reality shows eliminate contestants, or vote them off. This was famously done on "Survivor", when you extinguished your torch and left the island. While this has become pretty formulaic, a friend of mine suggested a new alternative to the reality show experience. Instead of voting people off, vote them on!
The concept is simple. Fill a house with an outrageous group of strangers and have them engage in the usual depraved reality show behavior-lying, fights, sexual flings, etc. Then, just as you're expecting your least favorite housemate to be eliminated, a new contestant is voted onto the show. Each week, a new person will be brought to the house. As more people are brought in, chaos ensues. People will now have to share their sleeping space with multiple people. The food budget only marginally increases, so each contestant will have to compete for newly scarce resources like bottled water and cheese.
The best of the show is that the contestants are screened for their inability to cope. Healthy applicants are screened out, while those with obvious issues are brought on. Much like Dr. Phil's "House of Hatred", people with potentially violent disagreements will be forced to live under the same roof. As the crowding increases, so does the insanity. I'm not sure how the game ends, but I know that it will probably have higher ratings than "Jersey Shore."
I feel as if I finally have a place to discuss how much reality tv sucks. I thought I was alone in my hatred. It is a relief knowing that there are others out there who won't vote me off their friends lists just because I don't love Jess Millionaire, or whatever the hell that was called. While I don't mind this idea for a show, I think whoever came up with it is a dumbass.