Fox News has run a couple stories on lesbian gangs. While some are prison-based, others supposedly roam the streets terrorizing non-lesbians. As a concerned citizen, I think the following reality show might be in order.
Fox should hire a tracker to hunt these lesbian gangs and bring them to justice. The episodes will follow the "tracker" as he and his team search bowling alleys, auto supply stories, and Lilith Fair concerts in search for these gangs. The studio audience of Ellen and Oprah will also have to be searched.
The end of the season will involve dropping these "gangs" off at the annual meeting of the Republican National Committee in Washington.
your posts all seem to end with contestants being "dropped off" somewhere....spice it up, Steve.
ReplyDeleteNot to worry because the girls find themselves barging in on a meeting of the Log Cabin Republicans. Anarchy ensues along with games of pool and the singing of fabulous Broadway Hits! The evening ends with a Tony Awards trivia contest. Never has the nation's capital seen such a convoy of Suburu Outbacks! Of course all natural food co-ops within 150 miles were closed due to lack of customers and staff........